Branch Meetings
"Branch Meetings"
We meet on the first Thursday of every month apart from January when there is no meeting.
Meetings for 2025
6 th of March all Welcome
3rd of April all Welcome
1st of May all Welcome
5 th of June all Welcome
3rd of July all Members only BBQ
7 th of August all Welcome
4 th of September all Welcome
2nd of October all Welcome
6 th of November all Welcome
December is a members only meal at the Boatsmans Rest.If you are a member of the Barnsley Morris Minor Owners Club details will be published at a later date.
At our February meeting we re elected all our committee so for 2025 our committee are
Rev June Fox Secretary
Richard Hargate Chairman
John Holmes Treasurer
Jim Clarke Events Coordinator
Various other people help with branch things including Steve Palmer who edits our Web Site with lots of help from his son Tom,Linda Buckley who organises the Branch Rally and Ian Mackenzie who edits our news sheet.
The photo below shows Richard our chairman presenting Linda with some flowers.
At our branch meetings we spend time chatting with our friends both old and new,discussing events that branch members maybe interested in attending and generally having a good time.
We quite often have a quiz provided by one of our members and our much loved raffle.
In one of the summer months we hold a barbecue which is expertly cooked by the helpful staff of the Boatsmans Rest where we hold our meetings.
To round off our year we have a members only Christmas Event.
Our chosen charity for 2025 is yet to be decided WATCH THIS SPACE
4 of our members took part in the Roses run in 2024.
Gary and Bev collected money for our chosen charity the Sheffield society for the Blind and Richard Hargate our Chairman and his son collected money for the MS therapy centre in Catcliffe.Although they both found it a challenge they enjoyed the event very much.